Author Topic: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project  (Read 35356 times)

Offline LaughingThesaurus

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2012, 02:38:32 am »
Glad to hear you're optimistic about the future, first of all, in spite of things not being amazing.
As for the art style, as I lurked around the forums for a while, I was really hoping for a pixel art style... but yeah, I just stopped liking that idea at some point. I couldn't even pinpoint when. I'm really liking the looks of this style. But, no matter what, as long as I can actually see bats and other enemies against the background before they hit me, I'm happy.

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2012, 06:25:36 am »
I'm encouraged by this, I have to say:

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2012, 08:45:27 am »
Didn't mean making it that darker, just toning it down a bit, with a bit of contrast like chris mentioned. It hardly needs to be very brown, except maybe possibly depending on how much rust is in the skelebot junkyard.

Offline x4000

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2012, 09:06:54 am »
And as usual thanks for being so clear on the business side you guys are dealing with, it's very educational.

My pleasure!  I know it's interesting stuff to most of the folks here, so I try to be as transparent as I can.

Regardless, I hope the redesign works out for you, and brings in lots of new sales. Regardless of the look, I'd certainly like to see future content expansion, and in general I'd like you guys to have the funds you need to work on whatever you want. I was sorry to hear about the sales slump, it's kind of depressing that a game as string-laden as Diablo 3 can have an impact like that.

I appreciate it!  And yeah, I was disappointed in the Diablo 3 effect, too.  I think that it just caught us at a bad time, and also overlapped AVWW in terms of playerbase too much.  I think that AVWW had not gotten quite enough traction yet by the time Diablo 3 came out, so when our sales slumped we then were no longer so prominently featured on any stores and thus our title kind of got shuffled to the back as other titles came out.  With more of a feature on a store or in the press that could have been overcome, but I think the graphics were offputting to stores as well as news folks, because they want to have pretty pictures to go with articles or on their store front page.  Among other things, if they thought the game was bad based on some prominent early reviews or whatever.

Ultimately, as long as we can break even on an expansion for AVWW and keep all our staff comfortable, then probably that's something we'd do next year regardless.  I think that's a big chance to reinvigorate the game with a larger audience -- but only if the graphics are better before then, hence our focus now. 

Part of me is very wary of accidentally falling into the sunk costs fallacy trap, though.  In other words, trying and trying to make something pleasing to a larger audience when it is only pleasing to a smaller audience, and wasting tons of money and time trying to do that instead of just making more games (which is way more fun, as well as more productive).  So for now I'm kind of hedging and working on other projects while seeing what the reaction is to the art rework here, while at the same time keeping a certain baseline of updates so that our core fanbase doesn't run out of new things to find.  It's a balancing act, to be sure, but hopefully our fans of AVWW will be as patient as our AI War fans have been in the past (just not for such a long period as happened with AI War, of course).

Are you going to be showing more art examples and screenshots or whatever as you progress forward with this?

Yep!  In fact, my plan is to probably start integrating the new art as it is completed.  It will clash horribly in parts, but that's already true.  And as various regions or monsters or characters get completed, for instance, things will just look the new way in that area and then the old way in another area.

Heavy Cat is very receptive to revision requests and comment while the project is ongoing, so that will provide us with the best opportunity to make sure that things are working well in the game engine and that players are overall liking what they see.  It's going to be a few weeks before the first in-game stuff is ready to go, I expect, because there's still lots of pencil sketches and R&D to do first. 

The response in this thread has largely been extremely positive, though, so I'm quite encouraged.  Most of the things that people have mentioned not liking were the same things that bugged me and that HC is already going to be revisiting anyhow.  And all that stuff is more about colors and shading and detailing rather than the more fundamental aspects.  And given how large parts of the image are made of awesome even with the current colors and shading and detailing, that's also very encouraging.

Glad to hear you're optimistic about the future, first of all, in spite of things not being amazing.

It's been very rough, emotionally, but most of that was over the past months and not now.  Now at least "the other thing on your foot has dropped" so to speak, and neither the world nor the company nor this game has ended.  So that's always very encouraging. ;)  What has been most encouraging of all is the reaction that folks have had to our shifting to working on both the AI War expansion and Shattered Haven. 

Both are also projects that take a lot less time to complete, and should be done in October and November respectively, knock on wood.  And with the art revamp also slated to end in November, that really makes it so that we're in a good position for the holidays (which is the most important time of year for us, income-wise). 

Having a plan that only involves 3-4 months rather than 18 months like the AVWW project turned out to, is a big help. :)

I'm encouraged by this, I have to say:

Yeah, they have some amazingly talented artists in a lot of various styles.  The one thing to bear in mind is that the image you're seeing there is a static backdrop and so can be lit and drawn from one perspective that never changes.  The quality of art in a game where there is parallax and lots of things chopped up is going to be a bit different because of the need to make all of those things assemble-able in many different ways.

In a lot of respects, the day/night cycle of AVWW is one of the biggest limiters of quality in the art.  But in lots of discussion with HeavyCat, I think that we've figured out cool ways to work around that.  One of the things that bugged people the most about the characters in the original art style of the game was how there are no shadows on any of them, but that's something that won't be the case here.
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Offline Misery

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2012, 09:23:51 am »
Are you going to be showing more art examples and screenshots or whatever as you progress forward with this?

Yep!  In fact, my plan is to probably start integrating the new art as it is completed.  It will clash horribly in parts, but that's already true.  And as various regions or monsters or characters get completed, for instance, things will just look the new way in that area and then the old way in another area.

Heavy Cat is very receptive to revision requests and comment while the project is ongoing, so that will provide us with the best opportunity to make sure that things are working well in the game engine and that players are overall liking what they see.  It's going to be a few weeks before the first in-game stuff is ready to go, I expect, because there's still lots of pencil sketches and R&D to do first. 

I dunno what others think of this, but I for one would be all for this idea.   For one thing this would drastically lessen the feel of development stagnation that some players may be getting (having gone from a period of HOLY CRAP UPDATES EVERY FIVE MINUTES, to a period of much, much slower ones).    And it'd also just be neat to see, really.   The opportunity to give feedback would be great as well, indeed.

I think the one question I can think of is:  Is the art stuff going to have any potential effect on the gameplay?   I'm mostly thinking of stuff like hitboxes, and whatnot.  Having that sorta thing change around could definitely screw with things in some ways.

Offline x4000

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2012, 09:32:12 am »
Completely agreed on all points, Misery.

In terms of the other question about the art messing with hitboxes: yes, there will be hitbox changes with a number of the pieces of art.  A number of enemies will be completely re-scaled in general, for example.  The reason for this has little to do with the actual art revamp, but because I feel that is needed for this game anyhow.  Having so many enemies that are so much larger than you gets "meh" fast instead of being epic.  The overlords won't get scaled down at all, and there will still be some monsters that are quite large, but overall there will be more monsters on the smaller end of the scale.

To me that makes a lot of positive gameplay impacts in general.  First of all, it means that players have to do a better job of aiming, heh.  Secondly, it means that enemies load faster and take up less RAM (not super important, but if we're to do lots of content additions as part of a series of expansions it will eventually be super important).  And third, it means that enemies will be able to navigate better when chasing you or similar, rather than getting stuck in the largest parts of boss arenas or similar quite so much.

All of those things strike me as really positive changes, but again it's not all-or-nothing.  I still want some epicly large monsters, and especially overlords.  But if MegaMan can have a huge series of awesome games all with the bulk of the enemies being exactly Megaman's size or occasionally twice as large, we can do the same. :)
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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2012, 10:40:42 am »
Really excited for you, the studio, and the game, Chris. While I never had many complaints about the art (gorgeous in some places, actually) it's obvious it was just a barrier for entry for a lot of people. I can't wait to see how you (Arcen) are able to market this when it's put together and ready. What a great opportunity to get some headlines on the news sites and accompany it with new eye-catching screenshots and video, it gives you another shot at winning over the previous critics who somehow couldn't look past the... well, look, and ignored the game's innovations.

Offline Martyn van Buren

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2012, 11:13:43 am »
Good luck, dudes! I'm a lot happier with Heavy Cat after their last batch, and it's great that you're able to fund the revamp without suffering the vicessitudes (and paying the percentage) of a Kickstarter. I don't mean to complain, but if I could suggest one thing I think Heavy Cat hasn't done as well as the other two studios but which I think they could probably do --- so far their images haven't given me much of a sense of depth. The best images from the other two studios had little alleyways and roads leading into the background that I could imagine going into and exploring; actually, a few of the original background (especially desert) have the same feeling. I hope the finished work will be able to make it look more like you're walking through, or at least walking past, a three-dimensional space.

Offline x4000

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2012, 11:47:15 am »
Thanks to both of you!

And in terms of the sense of depth on this one, I completely agree -- that was one of my first requested revisions to them, actually. :)
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Offline Vinraith

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2012, 03:49:15 pm »
Ultimately, as long as we can break even on an expansion for AVWW and keep all our staff comfortable, then probably that's something we'd do next year regardless.  I think that's a big chance to reinvigorate the game with a larger audience -- but only if the graphics are better before then, hence our focus now. 

This kind of openess, and this general attitude, are why you have such loyal fans by the way.  :D

Part of me is very wary of accidentally falling into the sunk costs fallacy trap, though.  In other words, trying and trying to make something pleasing to a larger audience when it is only pleasing to a smaller audience, and wasting tons of money and time trying to do that instead of just making more games (which is way more fun, as well as more productive).  So for now I'm kind of hedging and working on other projects while seeing what the reaction is to the art rework here, while at the same time keeping a certain baseline of updates so that our core fanbase doesn't run out of new things to find.  It's a balancing act, to be sure, but hopefully our fans of AVWW will be as patient as our AI War fans have been in the past (just not for such a long period as happened with AI War, of course).

Well, with the caveat that I'm an astrophysics guy who knows diddley about business or commercial software development, it sounds like a logically sound plan to me.  Again, I wish you guys all the best, and as soon as you start taking preorders for Ancient Shadows and Shattered Haven I'm there. :)

Edit: And incidentally, that latest screenshot that zebramatt posted is much better than the earlier stuff shown. Very encouraging!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 03:51:05 pm by Vinraith »

Offline x4000

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2012, 03:54:28 pm »
Cheers, Vinraith!  Thanks for all your kinds words, and your super long-term support.  IIRC, you've been around with us since 2009 or thereabouts.  That's practically since the start!

(And wow -- astrophysics?)

In terms of that item that zebramatt posted, note that that's not for AVWW; it's just something else from the portfolio of Heavy Cat in general, so it's a good view of the sort of things they are capable of.  But more that direction is where a lot of the current stuff is headed, even if exactly that wouldn't be technically feasible for the reasons I noted above.
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Offline Coppermantis

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2012, 05:04:13 pm »
Aw man, I thought that screenshot was for AVWW and was like "DO FREAKING WANT" but it's not. Still, if they can produce that then I have high hopes for them.

Still would like to see more from K and G though, haven't seen anything from G in a while and K's most recent looked amazing.
I can already tell this is going to be a roller coaster ride of disappointment.

Offline x4000

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2012, 05:07:25 pm »
K and G are no longer working on the project, so there won't be anything more from them, sorry. :(
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Offline Coppermantis

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2012, 05:10:57 pm »
That's unfortunate.  :(
I can already tell this is going to be a roller coaster ride of disappointment.

Offline Vinraith

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Re: An Update On The "A Valley Without Wind" Art Rework Project
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2012, 05:28:17 pm »
Cheers, Vinraith!  Thanks for all your kinds words, and your super long-term support.  IIRC, you've been around with us since 2009 or thereabouts.  That's practically since the start!

I had to look that up but yeah, summer '09. It doesn't seem that long ago!

(And wow -- astrophysics?)

It'll be more impressive if I ever finish this freaking dissertation. You're not actually helping in that regard, by the way.  :P

In terms of that item that zebramatt posted, note that that's not for AVWW; it's just something else from the portfolio of Heavy Cat in general, so it's a good view of the sort of things they are capable of.  But more that direction is where a lot of the current stuff is headed, even if exactly that wouldn't be technically feasible for the reasons I noted above.

Noted. Yes, I understand about the technical restrictions, but I'm pleased that in a general sense that's where things might be headed. In short, I prefer "painterly" to cartoony, myself. Honestly, though, whatever works best for you guys is fine, I care more about the mechanics than the art. :)