I think part of the problem people have as they moved through the final fantasy series was they were always chasing what made the previous entries great, and I think that as a general rule, when you were younger your imagination was to the point that you can enjoy a much wider array of content. Chances are, at least for the people in this conversation, you were a kid when Kefka reigned supreme and by the time Sin came around, you were probably adult. Those are entirely two separate brains, two separate experiences, and it's really hard to chase the imagination of youth for most people. FF6 came around for me at a time when I hated everything about school, and I dove in to that story with both feet. I can honestly say it felt like an experience for me at the time, and looking back on it, I am able to recall that feeling of it being an experience. I suspect that a lot of final fantasy fans feel the same way in the way it might have affected them, and that has to do with a brain capable of imagination.
When I play games, I try not to get bogged down in reality or "that's not real life." Chasing realism, is that really fun? Is that what we want final fantasy to be?
Re-examining ff7, there are actually a variety of adult topics in there completely lost on a younger mind. Talking about genetic engineering, cloning, environmental catastrophe, and mixing that with the concept of a "deity" ( I put this in quotes because it's a far different god concept than previous entries)... it's really not such a bad story. It might not make sense at first, but I promise, if you actually do the adventure in that world and participate in more than just plowing through the main story arc, it's really rewarding. And that's coming from someone who prefers ff6, which is a better story in my opinion but far simpler to understand. Morality is much clearer in ff6 than any entry which comes afterwards in the whole series. That should be celebrated, but maybe it just gets bogged down in confusion because it does take a fair amount of effort to get the whole story. Hell, I was maybe 19 when I first played ff8 and I gave up the first time after realizing Edea wasn't the true villain because I thought it was stupid. I went back later and actually got to understand it and focused on enjoying the content that was there instead of trying to make it all make sense to me right away.
That's harder to do when you get older. For those of you with kids, maybe you should leave a copy of ff7 lying around and see if they put it into a console someday to see what it is.