Arcen Games

General Category => Tidalis => Tidalis Technical Support => Topic started by: Dragon on July 07, 2010, 11:31:01 pm

Title: Full Screen bug with dual monitors
Post by: Dragon on July 07, 2010, 11:31:01 pm
I found a bug where if you have dual monitors, and try to play in full screen mode, the game will exit if you mouse over towards the second screen.

Steps to reproduce:

The screen flicker problems are caused by the screens having to resize back to native resolution.  I think.  I run 1680 by 1050, so it has to change.  Since you seem to be doing the letter box thingy anyway, any chance you could add in some more resolutions?

Oh, and I just updated to the latest (or so I assume) version about 5 minutes ago, via the auto-updater thingy.
Title: Re: Full Screen bug with dual monitors
Post by: x4000 on July 08, 2010, 08:53:59 am
Unfortunately, this is a known issue with Unity 3d at the moment, and is not unique to Tidalis. On multiple monitors (which I also have), the best idea is probably to use windowed mode. We and a number of other game developers are real hoping for better multi-monitor support from unity inthe future.

Wish there was better news totell you!
Title: Re: Full Screen bug with dual monitors
Post by: getter77 on July 13, 2010, 01:46:52 pm
I have something kind of like this with this latest version.

Prior versions, I open the program and it displays in a nice sized, centered window that I believe I'd long since had set at 1024x768.  1680x1050 is my max screen resolution.

Upon updating today, it instead loads it in an ultra-fullscreen Window(goes through my taskbar at the bottom of the screen) that is only halfway visible on the right side of my main monitor with my other being off, which means I have to drag it to the left a good ways.  For like the first 3 seconds, it looks like it will open up as it always did before, then everything jumps over rightwards and blows up. do I get back my "comfortable" window?
Title: Re: Full Screen bug with dual monitors
Post by: x4000 on July 13, 2010, 01:49:34 pm
Simple go into settings, and then you can change your windowed resolution to whatever you like -- literally.  1231x652?  You got it!  This is a new feature splitting out the windowed and fullscreen resolutions, so that you have compatibility on fullscreen and customiazability on windowed.  But, as a side effect, those who were using the fullscreen resolution as windowed in prior beta versions now need to set their desired windowed version separately.
Title: Re: Full Screen bug with dual monitors
Post by: getter77 on July 13, 2010, 02:16:15 pm
Success! Worked like a charm.   8)
Title: Re: Full Screen bug with dual monitors
Post by: x4000 on July 13, 2010, 02:17:05 pm