maneuvring things around just to show my rock, papers or scissors each time, a chore.
This kind of micro far from needed at 7/7. It's more a question of hacking and K-upgrading ships to generally counter the AI's ship types. I often look at what it has when I want to upgrade my turrets. Lightning turret MkIV (+tachyon) against the stealth master, for instance.
Well, it happened more than a few times that I lost my ships to some towers which one shot the ships, since I forgot to first use some other ships, before their enthusiasm to jump to their death (autoattack) reached its target.
Oh, yeah, and that. Guard Posts hit hard when they have their hull bonus. But as they are immobile, it sounds less micro to select the right kind of ships (one click on the right-hand panel) and attack the static target. And fleet ships with the hull bonus can wreak the GPost faster.
Also, what you call autoattack is in fact auto
defense mode (V-click), the "intercept" order that you should use only on your controlled systems. The true auto
attack mode is X-click. Only use V-click on attack when you are overconfident, like when you clean threatfleet on a neutered planet with an overwhelming fleet. X-click is perfect for attacking a GPost with minimal micro: select the right type of ships and X-click behind the target, provided there is a clear path toward it.
While I disagree on the topic of AIW being too micro, I would totally agree it has a big learning curve, including for the UI and controls.
I'm a bit sad when I hear someone pushed away from AIW by it's apparent complexity. I hope you'll give it another chance, try harder, and finally find the beauty
behind inside the difficulty.
Just to let you know, when I first launched my first AIW game (after the tuto), I read about difficulty and thought "7/7 if you already played RTS? Sure I played RTS! It's my favorite genre, and it's only because I don't know you, stupid game, and out of courtesy that I don't begin at 9/9 right off!" Then it took me hours of pain and a good chunk of modesty to progressively scale down to 5/5, make my first win, and slowly climb back to 7/7 and recently (after more than 1,000 hours of game) to 8/8 (I tried 9/9 and got toasted).