Pablo getting prepped for the newly reorchestrated AI War II theme. The kickstarter for this sequel to AI War Classic is launching in the next 1-3 weeks.
Wait a second, this is worrying. Chris, you need to NAIL THIS DOWN. Set the KS date for three weeks from now and start announcing it to the world like an actual product release. Press releases, social media, the works.
I cannot nail that down at this time. We're making lots of overtures that this is coming soon, and various press outlets have made mention of it and area aware that it is coming soon. Even if we had a firm date, they wouldn't be announcing that in advance a second time at this point, I don't think. I want their biggest announcements to be there when people can actually go pledge, anyhow.
We'll know more as we get closer, but right now I don't even have the budget for the kickstarter figured out because the design document isn't complete. When the design document is complete, we can finalize a budget (we obviously have a rough idea), and so on. Meanwhile we're working on things like the backer tiers, although some of those, and the stretch goals, also require the design document to be finished.
The trailer for the kickstarter requires a coherent pitch which requires the design document, and also requires at worst some mockup art that shows how things will look in general. Ideally I can get some actual art in place in the engine that Keith already has running, though.
We do what we can, because we must. I have very few options in terms of the timing window, and I most certainly don't have wiggle room on "doing it right" in terms of getting people excited about it when they see it, and buying into the idea in general.