Good lord guys, you really are complicating this in my opinion. Nothing here is swaying me in the slightest at the moment, I have to be honest.
1. If it's too complicated, don't use it.
2. Not using something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.
3. There are a ton of things that will be in this game that _I_ have no intention of ever using, but I can see why other people would.
4. Insofar as the core goal of "make more memorable few numbers of ships goes," we are indeed doing that, so we're on the same page.
5. Insofar as the "invisible options are hard to remember issue and let's add more graphical clutter," there's no way in heck I'm touching that with a ten-foot pole. That gets so insanely ugly and even harder to understand very fast. Loads of games have these sorts of mechanics, from Age of Empires to most every 4X game, and so on.
6. I'm not trying to be inflexible on this, but I think that the core of what people-against-this want is already here: the ability to not use it and still be fine, and for the ships themselves to be more memorable without these things.
7. Overall I think we all need to be accepting of the fact that there will be various ancillary options that we don't value but that other people do, and if those things are already in their simplest possible form (seriously this is an industry staple, not some wild hair I made up), then I'd leave it be.
8. On top of that, if we find problems with having too much clutter of extra stats-only-techs on ships, that's really a during-prototyping sort of issue to deal with. Right now it's just a theoretical thing on paper, given you haven't even seen the interface, etc. Let that lie for now, and we'll see how it is. If it's too cluttered, I won't like that either and will want to cut it down.
9. And lastly, if you wind up diverging in your desires so much from the core thing, then it's not that you-personally need to do a mod, but the group of people who would rather have a different style of tech upgrades can make their own version and use that instead. And if that seems more popular, heck, perhaps that becomes the new default and my version becomes the mod. Or both get folded into the main game and are toggle-able via lobby options. It really doesn't matter.
10. Ultimately you have plenty of time to prove me wrong during the project on this one if you still feel strongly about it once you see it in practice, but I think this one is getting beaten to death with little reason right now. Unless someone has a wildly new argument, I'm sticking a pin in this one for the design document. There are much more important issues that need legitimate discussion and revisions, in my opinion (and possibly yours also?).