Well in 4.x and before dysons constantly suicided, so this was probably my biggest surprise when i upgraded this week-end. It was fun at first until i had my threat jump up by 10k-15k... the dysons have a firepower rating of about 40 each so it quickly moves up, and since the ai has paralizers this time they arent as effective as they could be.
But, i just played 1 hour and figured out a way to lure 6000 ships in the way of the dysons. What i did was destroy my command stations in a way to limit the dyson highway. Within 10 minutes instead of having 50-100 dysons at that planet i had less than 10, then the 3000 ships + 23 carriers warped in, then i rebuilt the command stations (and the highway), and within 5-10 minutes they were back to break some ais.
Of course, with these forces the ai should have trounced my system even with the dysons, but luckily they love to chase the cursed golem all over the place, so i lost 10-20 turrets in all and around 25% of the cursed's health.
Also on the subject of the firepower rating... well there are some oddities... armored golem at 1000, artillery golem at 2000, cursed golem at 650 and... fully charged hive golem at 56000 + 28000 in cargo...
That's pretty silly, i've been using it to scare the ai in not attacking. It's currently sitting on a planet with a dozen snipers, a military station, and 1 heavy beam, scaring 3000-4000 ships in not attacking.