As I was reading the plans for AVWW2, I was saying to myself things like YES! and Awesome! Then I saw the parts about "no mouse/keyboard support" and "more like metroidvania". Now imagine an over-inflated balloon popping (== my excitement).
I don't like playing with gamepads and never really liked castlevania or those sorts of games. (In general, I dislike console games) So the move towards making AVWW2 more focused on console-like retro gameplay is really really disappointing. Neither does keyboard-only aiming appeal to me, which I gather is intended to just make the aiming/targeting harder.
So good luck to you guys, but I think I'll be sitting this one out.
.....but the first game was based on Metroid-vania and console platformer concepts to begin with, wasnt it? That's how it felt to me. Run around, explore big areas, get the items that you need in order to continue (in this case, crafting items usually), and then go through areas that you couldnt before. Not to mention the gameplay was about as console-tastic as you could get. Pure platforming, run and jump and shoot and dodge.
Hell, *I* dislike console games as a rule these days, and am about as negative a gamer as you will ever meet (seriously, I tend to hate everything), but even I thought the first game was pretty good.
My impression of all of the explained new stuff was: More of the same, but better. Or more specifically, more of the same, but more DIRECTION, and also more STRATEGY. The first game, even to me, really is a little TOO open. That's not to say that the second game WONT be "open" like that.... it's sounding like there's gonna be multiple possible solutions and paths to take to beat each game world; having seen what I have of Arcen's games, probably a great MANY paths and options and solutions. Wheras a pure Metroidvania game only allows exactly ONE solution for each "gated" area.
I can though understand the complaints about the controls, pure-aim (with the mouse) going to what I assume will be 8-way aiming? (for the love of cake, puppies, and kittens, tell me the new aiming system doesnt need the analog sticks). That kinda thing can take some getting used to, but, I think 8 way aiming is used in platformers as often as it is simply because it WORKS. Wether the game is console OR on a PC (I see alot of indie titles work this way). Like Cave Story, for example. Cant use the mouse with that one (unless there's some wierd hidden control scheme I've never seen) and the game really does work wonderfully anyway.
Never could use the bloody keyboard/mouse controls myself though anyway. Me trying to run/jump accurately with the bloody keyboard mostly just led to dying, and me trying to aim with the mouse (and I'm incredibly inaccurate with a mouse) just led to everything taking 8 years to kill due to so many missed shots. Not that I was able to use that control setup for more than about 15 minutes anyway.
I lost track of whatever else I was gonna say.